The Sea Ice Ecosystem Edited and Narrated by Jesse Hoff
Far from a wasteland the Arctic Sea Ice supports a web of life, UAF scientists explain the cycle of life and humans role in it. Produced in collaboration with the UAF Education and Film Studies Department.
University of Alaska Fairbanks Starvation Gulch 2009 Time Lapse
Videography/Editing by Jesse Hoff
Watch as students build and then burn down their pallet structures via time lapse photography
For more on Starvation Gulch check out
University of Alaska Fairbanks Celebrates Starvation Gulch 2009 Videography by Jesse Hoff, Interview footage by Jessica Hoffman, Edited by Jesse Hoff
Watch as fire and time blaze by, streakers run, and the tradition of Starvation Gulch continues on.
For more on Starvation Gulch check out
Science is Calling Edited by Jesse Hoff
A short inspirational piece producecd for the Internationl Polar Year, in collaboration with the UAF Education and Film Studies Department. Scientists describe the joy of science and the importance of Arctic sea ice research.
Videography by Jesse Hoff, Tyson Hansen, and Tom Hewitt, Edited by Tyson Hansen, Photos by Jesse Hoff
Big Fortune Little Cookie
Edited by Jesse Hoff and Maria Daskalakis Videography by Lloyd Guyse, Mark Tyne, and Jesse Hoff
Jesse Hoff takes a visit to the Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Factory in San Francisco's China town
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Voiceware By PhoneSuite: Lesson 1 of 2 Hotel Phone System Tutorial Produced, Shot, Narrated, and Edited by Jesse Hoff
An overview of the PhoneSuite browser console. Jesse produced a series of tutorials while working under contract for Call Management Products. To see more of the series produced by Jesse check out The Phone Suite