In 2009 Jesse was awarded
four awards in the UAF Peter Mackeith Photography Compeition. His photo
Perseverance won
"Best in Show, People's Choice, and Best Color photograph."
For his picture story
"The Last Ride," published in the Sun Star in 2009 Jesse was awarded
FIRST PLACE by the Alaska Press Club.
"Four pictures each building on the previous one in this tightly edited funeral story. All that’s needed to tell this story is presented here with emotion in the opener, sense of place in both the two middle images and the austere lineup to close," says Judge Randy Cox, visuals and production editor at the Oregonian and in 2010 the Alaska Press Club awarded Jesse
SECOND PLACE for his picture story
"Forest Games."
Jesse's recent photo
"Ice Fog Sunset" received
Honorable Mention in the
International Polar Year (IPY) photography competition